Sundarbans is the world’s largest mangrove forest & UNESCO World Heritage Site. The area has high floral & faunal diversity. Sundarban derives its name from Sundari trees, the mangrove species Heritiera fomes. This golden nectar rich in wild forest taste and aroma is sustainably collected by Apis dorsata from flowers of mangrove plans which are never sprayed with chemicals.
Sundarban Forest Honey is famous for goodness of natural antioxidant properties due to its unique phenolic compounds & flavonoids. Sundarini brings you the exotic Certified Organic Forest Honey, the authentic flavour of Sundarban.
Organic Forest Honey
Certification as per Indian Organic Standards (NPOP)
Certified by : Rajasthan State Organic Certification Agency, Jaipur.
Accreditation No. : NPOP/NAB/0013